Our Company

A new vision for parking lot management

Hesion, correspond to two complementary visions as for parking lots and movements, as for Disfatel and Altaïr Visions.
Disfatel has been recognised for more than 40 years as a key actor for air quality and the smart management of parking lot air flow.
Altaïr Vision developped more than 20 years ago their own algorithms for reading registration plates.
Numerous synergies were developed between both companies and they have given birth to today’s Hesion.

Our Missions

More and more innovations in the fields of entry to parking lots and in the management of parking lots air quality.

Controlling the process for designing, developing and manufacturing our devices and applications, which enable us to getting engaged in the quality and solidity of our solutions.

Analysing our needs and launching a technical report in order to provide a customised proposal.

We will coach you until your devices are being installed.

Proposing maintenance offers adapted for each situation, in order to provide the optimal performance for our devices and software products.
We are in capacity to provide a team of expert employees dedicated to the operations in your parking lots.

Our Values

« Together, let’s innovate for our customers », « Act together, do better, think customer »

  • Acting together: Sharing the know-how is a key to success.
  • Thinking customer: Listening and getting invilved are driving forces for putting customers at the heart of our actions.
  • Doing better: We are both audacious and curious and aim at fiding new solutions that keep being more and more innovative solutions.

Our Vision


  • Facilitating the access to and analysis of the information most important through applications that were developped for your customers
  • Making our technologies available for new customers who have not yet had access to required products


  • We wish to create a reliable industrial model while remaining independent
  • We believe that manufacturing our devices enable us to make sure that our global products are high quality products


  • Our solutions are international solutions and people ask whether we could export more. We actually think about it via local representatives


  • We believe in interactives and ergonomic solutions
  • Our ambition is to  develop ou maintenance products and ou parking lot management products both at our customers’ and remotely

Any project to propose? Let’s talk about it!


Key date between the launching of Disfatel and the birth of Hesion


parking lots equipped with our systems

They trusted us

Our Network

We are the winner for the French Réseau Entreprendre Yvelines, member of the French network réseau Plato International, of the French Entrepreneurs et Dirigeants Chrétiens, of the French Association pour le Progrès du Management and of the French Fédération des Métiers du Stationnement.


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