Air Quality & Security

Air Quality
Sensoparc ® is a system that enable to meet all the needs for the analysis of air quality in a parking lot. The system inquires in real time each installation sensor. The existence of polution is detected straight away. Sensoparc ® registers gas concentration and communicate automatically process orders.

Air Flow
In a parking lot, car trafic is different depending on the time, the day, and even sometimes the seasons. Permanent air flow is cost-effective, and air-flow at goven hours is not secure enough. With the automatic order for various air flow systems, depending on the polution, Sensoparc ® & Eolparc® mean a secure and cost-saving solutions.

In underground parking lots, ventilators have double usage: better comfort and lower heat and smoke vent. As such there are many type of situations that need to be managed. Eolparc ® represents a modular solution that enable to manage this type of complexity with due respect as for enforced regulations and also with much flexibility in the layout.
Our Software
Eolparc ® and Sensoparc ® are two supplementary and interface modular solutions. The software was developped in order to meet all the regulation requirements both for making sure the safety in parking lots is being respected a,d to improve the ease of use in these parking lots. Each device is equipped in order to communicate in real time and the global system supervision provides some feedback as for the situation. The data collected are analysed and historized.


Power Station
Sensoparc ® is a multi-gas et multi-zone central with 4 detection limits and command thresholds as well as a huge number of configuration possibilities The system interrogates each sensor in real time. Sensoparc ® provides command orders in automatic mode for each zone.

Fire Brigade Command
This is an essential element in the system that enables firemen to urgently command the heat and smoke vent for any zone using all the available electrical power. In this type of situation, th engine thermal protections are not taken into account any more. Sending and receiving orders is monitored by a led. As safety, the firemen command is self-powerd by the bus.

Engine Management Module
Is a box that enable monitoring and controlling a parking lot ventilators. It is associated to Eolparc ®, prioritising the commands depending on their origin and executing them. It is simplier and more efficient than a relaying box, and may be equipped with a frequency converter for getting the optimum efficiency in decontamination.